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Selectmen's & Bac Minutes November 1, 2005
November 1, 2005

PRESENT:  Selectmen William Roach, Emma Smith, Frederick Gallup and Stephen White.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.  Budget Advisory Committee Members William Price, Charles Balyeat, Rick Mastin, and Arthur Muller.  Town Clerk Betty Ramspott, Fire Chief Dan Ruggles, Police Chief David Cahill, and Police Sergeant Joseph Collins.

ABSENT:  Selectman Richard Leone and Budget Advisory Committee Member Greg Shugart.

Selectman Chairman William Roach opened the budget session at 6 PM.

Donna Nashawaty informed all present that there are binders available to place the proposed 2006 budget in if anyone was interested.  All packets were sent or delivered to the Selectmen and BAC members.  Donna asked that if any one was missing an item, to please let her know.  Included in the packet was a calendar of the scheduled meetings and a summary that discusses the differences and items that stood out as big changes.   In the budget packet an additional column has been added to show the history of the account line items.  She warned to the board and committee to be cautious because the expenditure column showed only what was expended through the month of September.

Town Clerk/Tax Collector

Betty Ramspott explained that the first page contained payroll and she did want to point out account #120, the second line item which is blank, she explained in the past years she has been asking for some part time wages for a person to come in to cover vacations when she and deputy were out.  She explained that she and deputy have decided they can handle the department themselves without the need for part time assistance.   She pointed out that the overtime has been increased, not for her, but for her deputy.  The reason for this increase is that there are extra elections in 2006 and her deputy gets paid hourly.    Donna explained a spread sheet she instituted to show all earnings of employees with step increases. Donna also explained that the total amounts shown expended for prior years may not actually match the audit because some of these funds are not paid until the following year because they were not received or charged until the next year.

Betty explained that the Mortgage Lien Service line item Increased by $1,000.00 because the service increased their fee from $10.00 for each search to $25.00 for each search.  Betty stated that the service was providing the searches at a much lesser rate before than they should have.  It is very valuable to her department as she does not want to take on the liability of missing notification to a mortgage holder.  Betty explained that Traveling and Meals did increase by $100.00 for 2006 because she wants herself and her deputy to attend as many meetings and seminars as possible.  Training is probably the biggest increase in her budget request.  She is requesting that she be allowed to attend the New England Clerks Institute at the cost of $850.00 per year.  It is a three year program.  She and her deputy also attend three conferences per year plus a spring workshop.  Printing has increased by $200.00 for 2006 because she did not allocate enough funds in the 2005 budget and it will go over the budgeted figure.  Advertising remains the same.  Dues and Subscriptions have increased because she needs to purchase new Red Books.  Office Equipment is to purchase a new computer for her deputy as it needs replacement and a new chair is needed.  The Fees line item is offset by income but has to be budgeted for.  With regard to the Elections, Betty explained that there are three elections in 2006.  In 2005 only one election was held.  Betty also explained about the Help America Vote Act which mandates a lot of preparing and clerical work for her department so that they can provide a state wide data base.  This is something that must be done.  The main purpose of the act is to stop voter fraud.  All voters need to be updated in particular the long time voters.  The voting form now requires that more information be provided to the Supervisors of the Checklist.  The town must comply and this means extra working hours for the ballot clerks and supervisors.   A large increase appears in Computer Service.  This is also due to the increase in elections in 2006.  Also another voting booth will be required.  This booth will be for hearing and visually impaired individuals.  The state is supplying the booth but the Town will need to purchase the required software and programming.    The State conducts inspections of polling places and this booth needs to be in place.  The remainder of the election budget also shows an increase again due to three elections in 2006.

Fire Department

Dan Ruggles, Fire Chief, was present to explain his department’s budget request.  He began with part time salaries.  This is to pay for the secretary, janitor and his time for inspections.  He will provide the BAC and Board of Selectmen with an estimate of his inspection hours for 2005.  The Chief explained that calls have been down this year.  The Chief explained that the $1,500.00 in the Forestry line item is to pay other towns that may assist in fighting a forest fire.  The phone line item is up because a cell phone is planned to be purchased and a DSL line for EMS people will be installed.  This is needed to file state reports on calls.  Computer Service remains the same.  Dispatch shows an anticipated 5% increase.  Medical Services provides Hep B and TB shots plus physicals.    Repairs and Service pays the Highway Department for performing maintenance on trucks.  Fire Equipment Repairs pays for services to rescue tools, AD’s and monitors.  Under Radio Repairs, his department did not have many problems this year as they received new radios from the state.  The additional $1,000.00 budgeted for 2006 is needed to move the radios to the new building.  In his budget, $22,650.00 is budgeted for heat and utilities.  The Fire Department is budgeting the full amount for utilities for the new building.  None of this will appear in the Police budget request.  No funds will be budgeted for kerosene as the trailer will be disposed of.   Stephen White expressed concern that the Fire Department tread lightly on any huge increases because the voters granted the funds to build a new building in 2005 and does not feel they will like to see a huge increase in the budget request.  Donna explained the estimates to operate the new building.  Because it is a larger facility, increases need to be anticipated in certain line items.  With regard to water rent, the $15,000.00 requested includes hydrant rental.  State RSA’s say that departments must pay for hydrant services.  General Insurance is up $1,500.00 to cover the new building based on its value.  Training and Fire Prevention remain the same as 2005.  Dues and Subscriptions are up $3,500.00 as this amount was removed from the Hazardous Materials line item and added to this item.  Equipment is up because the department needs to purchase new masks.  Office Supplies shows an increase because of the new building.  Gasoline has increased by $1,000.00.  Coffee Supplies pay for coffee or other drinks and food while on duty.  Fire Uniforms and Safety purchases new gear.  The cost per outfit is $1,500.00.  Life expectancy of gear is 5 years.  The Chief explained that a large increase is to purchase a new antenna for the new building.  Stephen White asked why this purchase cost could not come out of the monies to build the building or out of contingency.  On to warrant articles, the Chief explained that is he requesting one in the amount of $60,000.00 to be placed in capital reserve for a new truck.  A second would request $250,000.00 to purchase a used ladder truck for the department.  All of the funds needed for this purchase already exist in the capital reserve and would be taken from that fund when purchased.  This purchase would not have any affect on the tax rate.  With regard to ambulance service, this was increased by 10% over 2005 costs.  

Police Department

Police Chief David Cahill first introduced the department’s new Sergeant, Joseph Collins.  The Chief began with salaries, explaining that they have increased due to step increases and the cost of living percentage.  Part time wages have increased because he would like to hire an additional part time officer for 20 hours per week.  This individual would work as the prosecutor for the department.  He is also investigating the possibility of a regional prosecutor who would provide this service to perhaps three or more towns.  He has found a large increase in prosecuting cases which take much of an officer’s time daily.  Also an increase exists in this line item as he would like to up the patrol hours at the harbor by 10 additional hours during the summer months.  An increase exists in over time also due to the increase in salaries and he also plans to increase an officer’s on call at home rate from $3/hr. to $4/hr.  Training wages are the same as 2005.  Private duty details are 100% reimbursable but have to appear as an expenditure in the budget.  Line items #209 to #260 were not discussed as these were done by the Town Manager.  With regard to telephones, the Chief explained that this amount is for 3 phone lines, one fax, 5 pagers and 4 cell phones.  This money is also used for pager replacement.  He is negotiating a new and better contract for the cell phones which will provide better service.  Dispatch is increasing by $1,000.00 as usual.  Custodial supplies have increased due to the need to buy bio hazard cleansers.  The new facility will have a jail for retention and the custodian will need extra supplies to clean these.  With regard to the canine item, the Chief wishes to publicly thank Jolyon Johnson for the services he has provided the department.  He performed needed surgery to the department’s canine at no cost.  He also provides services in housing strays at little cost to the town.  The Chief further explained the monies needed to fund Dare Drug Investigations ($5,000.00) and the Swat Team ($1,000.00).  These monies are needed for services to perform drug investigations.  Sunapee works in conjunction with the Newport Police Department.  Uniforms and safety equipment are a major expense for the department.  Each officer must be appropriately equipped with uniform, bullet proof vests, belts, etc.  This line also pays for cones, flares, portable radios and raincoats.  The Chief stated that this item also pays for dry cleaning of the uniforms as he has found this to lengthen the life of the clothing.  With regard to Computer Equipment/Office Equipment, he plans to purchase this equipment rather than rent it as the department currently does.  His department has been paying $500.00 per month for this and he feels it would be better to own the equipment.  He also will need to purchase two additional stations for the new facility.  The budget also includes $2,000.00 for the department’s Crime Star license.  This provides that three computers can use the system at the same time.  The department’s warrant articles are $15,000.00 to be placed in the capital reserve fund for a new cruiser and $2,300.00 for the purchase of two radar units.  William Price suggested that the purchase of the radar units be placed in the department’s operating budget as it is a small purchase  compared to what is typically placed in as an article in the warrant.  Mr. Price also stated that he hopes the Selectmen keep in mind that the big money items in the budget are the police and highway, with the police increasing by 10% and the highway by 11% over 2005.  Donna informed the board and committee that 58% of the total budget for the entire town was employee costs.


Donna informed the board and committee that the Health Officer requested level funding for 2006.


Stephen White asked if Greg Shugart had been missing many meetings and if so, perhaps the board should seek someone who would be willing and would have the time to be on the BAC.  Charles Balyeat stated that he would speak with Mr. Shugart.

The meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM.

Darlene Morse
Recording Secretary